The arbitrary
library defines an arbitrary
category providing
predicates for generating random values for selected types to the
object, complementing its type checking predicates. Both the
object and the category predicates can be extended by the user with
definitions for new types by defining clauses for multifile predicates.
This library is notably used in the QuickCheck implementation by the
tool. See also the documentation of the mutations
library for related functionality.
API documentation
Open the ../../docs/library_index.html#arbitrary link in a web browser.
To load all entities in this library, load the loader.lgt
| ?- logtalk_load(arbitrary(loader)).
To test this library predicates, load the tester.lgt
| ?- logtalk_load(arbitrary(tester)).
Several of the provided tests are generic and verify the correct behavior of all pre-defined and loaded user-defined generators and shrinkers for all ground types.
Pre-defined types
This library defines random generators for the most common Logtalk and Prolog types. See the API documentation for a listing of all the pre-defined types.
The arbitrary
category complements the type
object and thus its
predicates are accessed via this object. For example:
| ?- type::arbitrary(integer, Arbitrary).
Arbitrary = -816
Defining new generators and shrinkers
To define a generator of arbitrary values for a type, define a clause
for the arbitrary::arbitrary/1
multifile predicate specifying the
type and a clause for the arbitrary::arbitrary/2
multifile predicate
generating an arbitrary term of the specified type. As a simple example,
assume that we want to define an “odd integer type”. We start by
defining both the type checker and the arbitrary generator:
:- multifile(type::type/1).
:- multifile(type::check/2).
type::check(odd, Term) :-
( var(Term) ->
; integer(Term),
Term mod 2 =:= 1 ->
; throw(type_error(odd, Term))
:- multifile(arbitrary::arbitrary/1).
:- multifile(arbitrary::arbitrary/2).
arbitrary::arbitrary(odd, Arbitrary) :-
type::arbitrary(integer, Arbitrary0),
( Arbitrary0 mod 2 =:= 1 ->
Arbitrary = Arbitrary0
; Arbitrary is Arbitrary0 + 1
The arbitrary
library also provides meta-types that can simplify
the definition of new generators. For example, the odd
type above
can also be defined using the constrain/2
meta-type to only generate
values that satisfy a closure:
arbitrary::arbitrary(odd, Arbitrary) :-
arbitrary(constrain(integer, [Arbitrary]>>(Arbitrary mod 2 =:= 1)), Arbitrary).
Another example is using the transform/2
meta-type to transform
generated values for a base type using a closure. Assuming that we want
to generate a sorted list of random integers, we can write:
arbitrary::arbitrary(sorted_integer_list, Arbitrary) :-
arbitrary(transform(list(integer), sort), Arbitrary).
We can also define a clause for the arbitrary::shrinker/1
predicate to declare a new shrinker and a arbitrary::shrink/3
multifile predicate for shrinking arbitrary values for QuickCheck usage:
:- multifile(arbitrary::shrinker/1).
:- multifile(arbitrary::shrink/3).
arbitrary::shrink(odd, Large, Small) :-
( Large < -1 ->
Small is Large + 2
; Large > 1,
Small is Large - 2
Definitions for the shrink/3
predicate should either succeed or fail
but never throw an exception. The shrink_sequence/3
predicate can be
used to help test that shrinking a value results in a finite sequence of
It is also possible to define edge cases for a given type for use with QuickCheck implementations. For example:
:- multifile(arbitrary::edge_case/2).
arbitrary::edge_case(odd, 1).
arbitrary::edge_case(odd, -1).
Edge cases are tried before resorting to generating arbitrary values for a type.
A more complex example is generating arbitrary values for a recursive
type. A simple example of a recursive type is a binary tree. Assuming
that we are working with a binary tree holding integers where each node
is represented by a node(Left, Right)
compound term, we can define a
type where Depth
is the maximum depth of the tree.
This argument allows us to prevent excessively deep trees:
:- category(binary_tree).
:- multifile(type::type/1).
:- multifile(type::check/2).
type::check(node(_), Term) :-
( check(Term) ->
; var(Term) ->
; throw(type_error(node(_), Term))
check(Term) :-
( integer(Term) ->
; compound(Term),
Term = node(Left, Right),
:- multifile(arbitrary::arbitrary/1).
:- multifile(arbitrary::arbitrary/2).
arbitrary::arbitrary(node(Depth), Arbitrary) :-
( Depth > 1 ->
NewDepth is Depth - 1,
integer - 1,
types([node(NewDepth), integer]),
types([node(NewDepth), integer])
) - 3
; type::arbitrary(
integer, Arbitrary)
:- end_category.
In this second example, we use some of the pre-defined types provided by
the library. The types_frequency(Pairs)
type supports generating
random terms for a type in the Type-Frequency
pairs list where the
type is randomly chosen after the types relative frequency. The
compound(Name, Types)
type supports generating compound terms with a
given name and random arguments after the given types:
| ?- type::arbitrary(node(4), Arbitrary).
Arbitrary = 907
| ?- type::arbitrary(node(4), Arbitrary).
Arbitrary = node(node(node(522, 509), node(83, 453)), node(454, -197))
| ?- type::arbitrary(node(4), Arbitrary).
Arbitrary = node(node(-875, -866), -254)
| ?- type::arbitrary(node(4), Arbitrary).
Arbitrary = node(-133, -831)
The source code of these examples can be found in the test_files
directory. Other examples of arbitrary term generators can be found in
the implementation of the optionals
and expecteds
Scoped generators and shrinkers
Declaring a new generator and possibly a shrinker for a custom type
raises the possibility of a conflict with third-party-defined generators
and shrinkers. An alternative is to use the (::)/2
meta-type to
define scoped generators and shrinkers. For example:
:- object(scoped).
% the same predicate is used for both generating and validating
:- public(custom/1).
custom(Term) :-
( var(Term) ->
% assume predicate used as a generator
; % assume predicate used as a validator
% a predicate with the same name is used for shrinking
:- public(custom/2).
custom(Larger, Small) :-
Small is Larger / 2.
:- end_object.
Some sample calls:
| ?- type::arbitrary(scoped::custom, Arbitrary).
Arbitrary = 0.5788130906607927
| ?- type::valid(scoped::custom, foo).
| ?- type::check(scoped::custom, _).
ERROR: type_error(instantiation_error)
| ?- type::check(scoped::custom, foo).
ERROR: type_error(scoped::custom, foo)
| ?- type::shrink(scoped::custom, 0.42, Smaller).
Smaller = 0.21
The source code of this example can be found in the test_files
Reproducing sequences of arbitrary terms
The arbitrary
category provides access to the pseudo-random
generator it uses via the get_seed/1
and set_seed/1
. This allows
sequences of arbitrary values to be reproduced. For example:
| ?- type::get_seed(Seed).
Seed = seed(3172, 9814, 20125)
| ?- type::arbitrary(integer, Arbitrary).
Arbitrary = -816
| ?- type::arbitrary(integer, Arbitrary).
Arbitrary = -113
| ?- type::arbitrary(integer, Arbitrary).
Arbitrary = 446
| ?- type::set_seed(seed(3172, 9814, 20125)).
| ?- type::arbitrary(integer, Arbitrary).
Arbitrary = -816
| ?- type::arbitrary(integer, Arbitrary).
Arbitrary = -113
| ?- type::arbitrary(integer, Arbitrary).
Arbitrary = 446
The seed should be regarded as an opaque term and handled using the
and set_seed/1
predicates. These predicates are
notably used in the QuickCheck implementation provided by the
Default size of generated terms
The library uses the value 42 for the default size of generated terms
for types where size is meaningful and implicit. To override this
default value, define a clause for the arbitrary::max_size/1
multifile predicate. The new default size must be a positive integer.
For example:
:- multifile(arbitrary::max_size/1).
When multiple definitions exist, the first valid one found is used. When no definition is valid, the default value of 42 is used.
Known issues
Some Prolog systems either don’t support the null character or provide
buggy results when calling char_code/2
with a code of zero. When
that’s the case, the null character is excluded when generating
arbitrary characters or character codes.
Generating arbitrary Unicode characters (instead of Unicode codepoints)
is inherently problematic as the process first generates codepoints and
then tries to use the standard char_code/2
to convert them to
characters. But, depending on the backend Prolog system and its internal
(if any) Unicode normalization, it may not be possible to convert a
codepoint to a single character.