A dependable term-expansion mechanism

Logtalk provides a dependable term-expansion mechanism that gives the user full and fine-grained control on if, when, and how expansions are applied. This is accomplished by introducing the concept of hook object and by allowing expansion rules to be defined and applied without relying on multifile predicates.

A hook object is simply an object implementing the expanding built-in protocol that declares term_expansion/2 and goal_expansion/2 predicates. This allows sets of expansion rules to be independently loaded, used, and combined. As the expansion predicates are not declared as multifile predicates, loading a hook object have no consequence by itself on the subsequent loading of source files. So… how do we expand a source file? The first option is to declare in the source file itself the hook object that should be used to expand it:

:- set_logtalk_flag(hook, my_hook_object).

Note that set_logtalk_flag/2 directives are local to the entity or source file containing them. The second option is to use the hook/1 compiler option of the compilation and loading built-in predicates:

| ?- logtalk_load(source, [hook(my_hook_object)]).

The third option is to define a default hook object using the set_logtalk_flag/2 predicate (which, unlike the directive, sets global and thus default flag values):

| ?- set_logtalk_flag(hook, my_hook_object).

By default, at startup, the hook flag is not defined. This means that, by default, no source file is expanded independently of any loaded hook objects.

Did you notice that only a single hook object can be set at any given time to expand a source file? What if we want to apply multiple expansions to a source file? In this case, you need to explicitly define how multiple hook objects are combined to define an expansion workflow. Different expansion workflow semantics are possible and required depending on the problem. For example, the expansions may be independent (that doesn’t necessarily mean, however, that the order the expansion rules are applied can be arbitrary or that their concurrent use is free of trouble…). The expansions may also be intended to be used as a well defined pipeline with the terms resulting from an expansion being passed to the next expansion. Or we may have a more complex workflow combining independent and linked expansions. To simplify defining expansion workflows, Logtalk provides hook_flows and hook_objects libraries with ready to use parametrizable workflows and hook objects.

Logtalk’s term-expansion mechanism may sound overly complex, specially for users of Prolog systems such as SWI-Prolog or YAP where the term_expansion/2 and goal_expansion/2 predicates are multifile and the common practice is just to dump the predicate definitions into user and wait for magic to happen. Any loaded library (by the user or the system itself) can contribute to a growing set of expansions, often without the user noticing. This work until conflicts arise between expansions. For example, consider the following module that counts the number of facts for the a/1 predicate and adds a fact with the count:

:- module(m1, []).

:- dynamic(counter_/1).

:- multifile(user:term_expansion/2).
:- dynamic(user:term_expansion/2).

user:term_expansion(begin_of_file, begin_of_file) :-
user:term_expansion(a(X), a(X)) :-
    New is Old + 1,
user:term_expansion(end_of_file, [total_a(Total), end_of_file]) :-

Assume now a source.pl file with the following contents:

a(2). a(3). a(5).

If we load the m1 module followed by the source file we get:

?- [m1].

?- [file].

?- total_a(Total).
Total = 3.

The expansion works as intended. But then we, or someone else, decide to define an expansion that counts b/1 predicate facts:

:- module(m2, []).

:- dynamic(counter_/1).

:- multifile(user:term_expansion/2).
:- dynamic(user:term_expansion/2).

user:term_expansion(begin_of_file, begin_of_file) :-
user:term_expansion(b(X), b(X)) :-
    New is Old + 1,
user:term_expansion(end_of_file, [total_b(Total), end_of_file]) :-

Now we get with both expansions loaded:

?- [m1, m2].

?- [source].

?- total_a(Total).
Total = 3.

?- total_b(Total).
Correct to: "total_a(Total)"? no
ERROR: Unknown procedure: total_b/1
ERROR:   However, there are definitions for:
ERROR:         total_a/1
ERROR:   [10] total_b(_22126)
ERROR:    [9] <user>
   Exception: (10) total_b(_11122) ? abort
% Execution Aborted

Ouch! The expansions code look sensible but loading the first module prevents the expansions defined in the second module from working as intended. Can you debug the problem and explain why? This is, of course, a toy example. In practice, expansions are often more complex and can be harder to debug when conflicts arise. It’s instructive to reimplement the above example using Logtalk:

:- object(o1,

    :- private(counter_/1).
    :- dynamic(counter_/1).

    term_expansion(begin_of_file, begin_of_file) :-
    term_expansion(a(X), a(X)) :-
        New is Old + 1,
    term_expansion(end_of_file, [total_a(Total), end_of_file]) :-

:- end_object.
:- object(o2,

    :- private(counter_/1).
    :- dynamic(counter_/1).

    term_expansion(begin_of_file, begin_of_file) :-
    term_expansion(b(X), b(X)) :-
        New is Old + 1,
    term_expansion(end_of_file, [total_b(Total), end_of_file]) :-

:- end_object.

We now get:

?- {hook_flows(loader)}.

?- {o1, o2}.

?- logtalk_load(source, [hook(hook_pipeline([o1,o2]))]).

?- total_a(Total).
Total = 3.

?- total_b(Total).
Total = 1.

The hook_pipeline/1 parametric object takes as parameter a list of hook objects and defines a pipeline of expansions where the results of an expansion by a hook object are passed for further expansion by the next hook object. Problem solved. Could the problem have been avoided in the first place? Note that expansions, specially when provided by libraries (system or third-party) are often written independently and by different people. Thus, solving conflicts often requires the definition of an explicit expansion workflow instead of relying on the default system workflow.

Does the conflicts only occur with term-expansion? What about goal-expansion? As an example, assume that we want to replace goals such as X is X0 + 1 with calls to the de facto standard succ/2 predicate:

:- module(succ_expansion, []).

:- multifile(user:goal_expansion/2).
:- dynamic(user:goal_expansion/2).

user:goal_expansion(X is X0 + 1, succ(X0,X)).

We may have a second expansion rule in another module that recognizes ground X is X0 + 1 goals and replaces them with either true or fail goals:

:- module(is_optimization, []).

:- multifile(user:goal_expansion/2).
:- dynamic(user:goal_expansion/2).

user:goal_expansion(X is X0 + 1, Goal) :-
    ground(X is X0 + 1),
    (X is X0 + 1 -> Goal = true; Goal = fail).

If the expansion rule in the succ_expansion module is applied first, the expansion rule in the is_optimization module will never be applied. The reverse order would work. But relying on the order expansions are applied only works reliable when we have full control of the order by using an explicit expansion workflow.

Can we emulate in Logtalk the convenience of the term-expansion mechanism as found in e.g. SWI-Prolog? It’s a fair question and the answer is yes. We can set the default hook object to user and define multifile term_expansion/2 and goal_expansion/2 predicates disregarding the expanding built-in protocol. It’s also possible to use the more structured Logtalk implementation of term-expansion while defining workflows with steps that use expansion rules defined in modules (see e.g. the prolog_module_hook/1 parametric hook object provided by the hook_objects library).

P.S. When comparing with other term-expansion implementations, we implicitly focused here only on Prolog systems whose term-expansion mechanism is derived from the original Quintus Prolog mechanism and based on the definition of term_expansion/2 and goal_expansion/2 multifile predicates. This mechanism is found on SWI-Prolog and YAP as mentioned. What about other Prolog systems? Similar to the original Quintus Prolog implementation, XSB only supports the term_expansion/2 predicate. SICStus Prolog uses predicates with the same names but with additional arguments to better handling passing layout information. GNU Prolog only provides limited support for the term_expansion/2 predicate. A few systems, notably Ciao, ECliPSe, and Qu-Prolog provide different support for expanding terms. As this short overview makes clear, there isn’t any de facto standard Prolog term-expansion mechanism. Moreover, only some Prolog systems provide a term-expansion mechanism.