built-in predicate



object_property(Object, Property)

Enumerates, by backtracking, the properties associated with the defined objects. The valid properties are listed in the language grammar section on entity properties and described in the User Manual section on object properties.

Modes and number of proofs

object_property(?object_identifier, ?object_property) - zero_or_more


Object is neither a variable nor a valid object identifier:
type_error(object_identifier, Object)
Property is neither a variable nor a callable term:
type_error(callable, Property)
Property is a callable term but not a valid object property:
domain_error(object_property, Property)


% enumerate the properties of the logtalk built-in object:
| ?- object_property(logtalk, Property).

Property = context_switching_calls ;
Property = source_data ;
Property = threaded ;
Property = static ;
Property = built_in ;