built-in method




Asserts a clause as the last one for a dynamic predicate.

When the predicate was not previously declared (using a scope directive), a dynamic predicate declaration is added to the object. In this case, the predicate scope depends on how this method is called:


The predicate is dynamically declared as private.


The predicate is dynamically declared as protected.


The predicate is dynamically declared as public.

Note, however, that dynamically declaring a new predicate requires either a local assert or the dynamic_declarations compiler flag set to allow when the object was created or compiled.

When the predicate indicator for Head is declared in a uses/2 or use_module/2 directive, the clause is asserted in the referenced object or module. When the backend Prolog compiler supports a module system, the predicate argument can also be module qualified.

This method may be used to assert clauses for predicates that are not declared dynamic for dynamic objects provided that the predicates are declared in this. This allows easy initialization of dynamically created objects when writing constructors.

Modes and number of proofs

assertz(+clause) - one


Head is a variable:
Head is neither a variable nor a callable term:
type_error(callable, Head)
Body cannot be converted to a goal:
type_error(callable, Body)
The predicate indicator of Head, Name/Arity, is that of a private predicate:
permission_error(modify, private_predicate, Name/Arity)
The predicate indicator of Head, Name/Arity, is that of a protected predicate:
permission_error(modify, protected_predicate, Name/Arity)
The predicate indicator of Head, Name/Arity, is that of a static predicate:
permission_error(modify, static_predicate, Name/Arity)
The predicate indicator of Head, Name/Arity, does not match a declared predicate and the target object was created/compiled with support for dynamic declaration of predicates turned off:
permission_error(create, predicate_declaration, Name/Arity)


To assert a clause as the last one for a local dynamic predicate or a dynamic predicate in this:
To assert a clause as the last one for any public or protected dynamic predicate in self:
To assert a clause as the last one for any public dynamic predicate in an explicit object:

An example of asserting clauses in this and in self from a category:

:- category(attributes,

    :- private(attr_/1).
    :- dynamic(attr_/1).

    set_in_this(A, X) :-
       assertz(attr_(A, X)).

    set_in_self(A, X) :-
       ::assertz(attr_(A, X)).


An example of asserting clauses into another object with the predicates listed using a uses/2 directive (similar when using a use_module/2 directive):

:- object(reasoner(_KnowledgeBase_)).

    :- uses(_KnowledgeBase_, [
        foo/1, bar/1

    baz(X) :-
       % compiled as _KnowledgeBase_::assertz(foo(X))

   foobar(Name, Argument) :-
      Clause =.. [Name, Argument],
      % runtime resolved to _KnowledgeBase_::assertz(Clause)
      % when Name is either foo or bar
