built-in predicate
Proves each goal in a conjunction or a disjunction of goals in its own thread. This meta-predicate is deterministic and opaque to cuts. The predicate argument is not flattened.
When the argument is a conjunction of goals, a call to this predicate blocks until either all goals succeed, one of the goals fail, or one of the goals generate an exception; the failure of one of the goals or an exception on the execution of one of the goals results in the termination of the remaining threads. The predicate call is true iff all goals are true. The predicate call fails if all goals fail. When one of the goals throws an exception, the predicate call re-throws that exception.
When the argument is a disjunction of goals, a call to this predicate blocks until either one of the goals succeeds or all the goals fail or throw exceptions; the success of one of the goals results in the termination of the remaining threads. The predicate call is true iff one of the goals is true. The predicate call fails if all goals fails. When no goal succeeds and one of the goals throws an exception, the predicate call re-throws that exception.
When the predicate argument is neither a conjunction nor a disjunction
of goals, no threads are used. In this case, the predicate call is
equivalent to a once/1
predicate call.
A dedicated message queue is used per call of this predicate to collect the individual goal results.
This predicate requires a backend Prolog compiler providing
compatible multi-threading primitives. The value of the read-only
threads flag is set to supported
when that
is the case.
Meta-predicate template
Modes and number of proofs
threaded(+callable) - zero_or_one
is a variable:instantiation_error
is a variable:instantiation_error
is neither a variable nor a callable term:type_error(callable, Goals)
in Goals
is neither a variable nor a callable term:type_error(callable, Goal)
threaded((Goal, Goals))
threaded((Goal; Goals))