built-in method
findall(Template, Goal, List)
Collects a list of solutions for the goal. The order of the elements in the list follows the order of the goal solutions. It succeeds returning an empty list when the goal has no solutions.
This built-in meta-predicate is declared as a private method and thus cannot be used as a message to an object.
Meta-predicate template
findall(*, 0, *)
Modes and number of proofs
findall(?term, +callable, ?list) - zero_or_one
is a variable:instantiation_error
is neither a variable nor a callable term:type_error(callable, Goal)
is a call to a non-existing predicate:existence_error(procedure, Predicate)
To find all solutions in the context of the object or category containing the call:
findall(Template, Goal, List)
To find all solutions of sending a message to self:
findall(Template, ::Message, List)
To find all solutions of sending a message to an explicit object:
findall(Template, Object::Message, List)