

Adds predicates for generating and shrinking random values for selected types to the library type object. User extensible.

Author: Paulo Moura
Version: 2:35:0
Date: 2024-03-07
Compilation flags:
  • Logtalk specific types: entity, object, protocol, category, entity_identifier, object_identifier, protocol_identifier, category_identifier, event, predicate.

  • Prolog module related types (when the backend compiler supports modules): module, module_identifier, qualified_callable.

  • Prolog base types: term, var, nonvar, atomic, atom, number, integer, float, compound, callable, ground.

  • Atom derived types: non_quoted_atom, non_empty_atom, non_empty_atom(CharSet), boolean, character, in_character, char, operator_specifier, hex_char.

  • Atom derived parametric types: atom(CharSet), atom(CharSet,Length), non_empty_atom(CharSet), character(CharSet), in_character(CharSet), char(CharSet).

  • Number derived types: positive_number, negative_number, non_positive_number, non_negative_number.

  • Float derived types: positive_float, negative_float, non_positive_float, non_negative_float, probability.

  • Integer derived types: positive_integer, negative_integer, non_positive_integer, non_negative_integer, byte, in_byte, character_code, in_character_code, code, operator_priority, hex_code.

  • Integer derived parametric types: character_code(CharSet), in_character_code(CharSet), code(CharSet).

  • List types (compound derived types): list, non_empty_list, partial_list, list_or_partial_list, list(Type), list(Type,Length), list(Type,Min,Max), list(Type,Length,Min,Max), non_empty_list(Type), codes, chars.

  • Difference list types (compound derived types): difference_list, difference_list(Type).

  • List and difference list types length: The types that do not take a fixed length generate lists with a length in the [0,MaxSize] interval ([1,MaxSize] for non-empty list types).

  • Predicate and non-terminal indicator types arity: These types generate indicators with an arity in the [0,MaxSize] interval.

  • Other compound derived types: compound(Name,Types), predicate_indicator, non_terminal_indicator, predicate_or_non_terminal_indicator, clause, grammar_rule, pair, pair(KeyType,ValueType).

  • Other types: Object::Closure, between(Type,Lower,Upper), property(Type,LambdaExpression), one_of(Type,Set), var_or(Type), ground(Type), types(Types), types_frequency(Pairs), transform(Type,Closure), constrain(Type,Closure).

  • Type Object::Closure notes: Allows calling public object predicates as generators and shrinkers. The Closure closure is extended with either a single argument, the generated arbitrary value, or with two arguments, when shrinking a value.

  • Type compound(Name,Types) notes: Generate a random compound term with the given name with a random argument for each type.

  • Type types_frequency(Pairs) notes: Generate a random term for one of the types in a list of Type-Frequency pairs. The type is randomly selected taking into account the types frequency.

  • Type transform(Type,Closure) notes: Generate a random term by transforming the term generated for the given type using the given closure.

  • Type constrain(Type,Closure) notes: Generate a random term for the given type that satisfy the given closure.

  • Registering new types: Add clauses for the arbitrary/1-2 multifile predicates and optionally for the shrinker/1 and shrink/3 multifile predicates. The clauses must have a bound first argument to avoid introducing spurious choice-points.

  • Shrinking values: The shrink/3 should either succeed or fail but never throw an exception.

  • Character sets: ascii_identifier, ascii_printable, ascii_full, byte, unicode_bmp, unicode_full.

  • Default character sets: The default character set when using a parameterizable type that takes a character set parameter depends on the type.

  • Default character sets: Entity, predicate, and non-terminal identifier types plus compound and callable types default to an ascii_identifier functor. Character and character code types default to ascii_full. Other types default to ascii_printable.

  • Caveats: The type argument (and any type parameterization) to the predicates is not type-checked (or checked for consistency) for performance reasons.

  • Unicode limitations: Currently, correct character/code generation is only ensured for XVM and SWI-Prolog as other backends do not provide support for querying a Unicode code point category.

Inherited public predicates:

Public predicates


Table of defined types for which an arbitrary value can be generated. A new type can be registered by defining a clause for this predicate and adding a clause for the arbitrary/2 multifile predicate.

Compilation flags:
static, multifile
Mode and number of proofs:
arbitrary(?callable) - zero_or_more


Generates an arbitrary term of the specified type. Fails if the type is not supported. A new generator can be defined by adding a clause for this predicate and registering it via the arbitrary/1 predicate.

Compilation flags:
static, multifile
Meta-predicate template:
Mode and number of proofs:
arbitrary(@callable,-term) - zero_or_one


Table of defined types for which a shrinker is provided. A new shrinker can be registered by defining a clause for this predicate and adding a definition for the shrink/3 multifile predicate.

Compilation flags:
static, multifile
Mode and number of proofs:
shrinker(?callable) - zero_or_more


Shrinks a value to a smaller value if possible. Must generate a finite number of solutions. Fails if the type is not supported. A new shrinker can be defined by adding a clause for this predicate and registering it via the shrinker/1 predicate.

Compilation flags:
static, multifile
Mode and number of proofs:
shrink(@callable,@term,-term) - zero_or_more


Shrinks a value repeatedly until shrinking is no longer possible returning the sequence of values (ordered from larger to smaller value). Fails if the type is not supported.

Compilation flags:
Mode and number of proofs:
shrink_sequence(@callable,@term,-list(term)) - zero_or_one


Table of type edge cases. Fails if the given type have no defined edge cases. New edge cases for existing or new types can be added by defining a clause for this multifile predicate.

Compilation flags:
static, multifile
Mode and number of proofs:
edge_case(?callable,?term) - zero_or_more


Gets the current random generator seed. Seed should be regarded as an opaque ground term.

Compilation flags:
Mode and number of proofs:
get_seed(-ground) - one


Sets the random generator seed to a given value returned by calling the get_seed/1 predicate.

Compilation flags:
Mode and number of proofs:
set_seed(+ground) - one


User defined maximum size for types where its meaningful and implicit. When not defined, defaults to 42. When multiple definitions exist, the first valid one found is used.

Compilation flags:
static, multifile
Mode and number of proofs:
max_size(?positive_integer) - zero_or_one

Protected predicates

(no local declarations; see entity ancestors if any)

Private predicates

(no local declarations; see entity ancestors if any)



See also
