logtalk_version_select - Logtalk script for switching between installed Logtalk versions
logtalk_version_select -v
logtalk_version_select -l
logtalk_version_select -s
logtalk_version_select version
logtalk_version_select -h
logtalk_version_select is a Logtalk script for switching between installed Logtalk versions. This script doesn't change the Logtalk user directory. This script is loosely based on the "python_select" script.
-v Print script version.
-l List available versions.
-s Show the currently selected version.
-h Provide help on script usage.
LOGTALKHOME Specifies the location of the Logtalk installation.
LOGTALKUSER Specifies the location of the Logtalk user directory.
The Logtalk website at https://logtalk.org/
The Logtalk User and Reference Manuals at $LOGTALKHOME/manuals/index.html
logtalk_user_setup(1), logtalk_backend_select(1)
Paulo Moura <pmoura@logtalk.org>
Copyright (c) 1998-2021 Paulo Moura.
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