logtalk_doclet - Logtalk script for automating running doclets
logtalk_doclet -v
logtalk_doclet -p prolog [-d results] [-t timeout] [-s prefix] [-- arguments]
logtalk_doclet -h
logtalk_doclet is a script for automating running Logtalk doclets. This script runs doclets found in a directory and recursively in its sub-directories by scanning for doclet.lgt and doclet.logtalk source files. The script assumes that the doclets use an initialization/1 directive to automatically run the documentation generation goal at loading time. A non-zero exit status is returned in case of failed doclets, timed out doclets, or crashed doclets.
-v Print script version.
-p Backend Prolog compiler. Required. The following identifiers are used: B-Prolog - b, CxProlog - cx, ECLiPSe - eclipse, GNU Prolog - gnu, GNU Prolog (native code) - gnunc, JIProlog - ji, XVM - xvm, SICStus Prolog - sicstus, SWI-Prolog - swi, SWI-Prolog with Logtalk pack - swipack, Tau Prolog - tau, XSB - xsb, YAP - yap.
-d Directory to store the doclet run logs. Default is the local ./logtalk_doclet_logs directory.
-t Timeout in seconds for running each doclet. Default is 0 (i.e., disabled).
-s Path prefix to suppress when printing doclet paths. Default is the empty string.
-- Arguments to be passed to the integration script used to run the doclets (no default).
-h Provide help on script usage.
0 All doclets succeeded. There are no timed out or crashed doclets.
1 Some doclets failed. But there are no timed out or crashed doclets.
3 One or more doclets timed out while executing. But there are no crashed doclets.
7 One or more doclets crashed the process running them.
The gnunc backend requires creating a GNU Prolog executable that includes Logtalk named gplgtnc and making it available in the system PATH. This executable can be created using the embedding script provided in the Logtalk distribution. For example: gprolog_embed_logtalk.sh -c -d ~/collect -s none -- --new-top-level && mv ~/collect/logtalk ~/collect/gplgtnc
LOGTALKHOME Specifies the location of the Logtalk installation.
LOGTALKUSER Specifies the location of the Logtalk user directory.
$LOGTALKUSER/library/tester_versions.lgt Logtalk source file used for printing the Logtalk and backend Prolog compiler versions.
The Logtalk website at https://logtalk.org/
The Logtalk User and Reference Manuals at $LOGTALKHOME/manuals/index.html
Paulo Moura <pmoura@logtalk.org>
Copyright (c) 1998-2024 Paulo Moura.
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