lgtenv - Logtalk script for creating packs virtual environments
lgtenv -v
lgtenv [-d directory] [-c] [-p packs]
lgtenv -h
lgtenv is a Logtalk script for creating packs virtual environments. It works by activating a LOGTALKPACKS environment variable when changing the current directory to the directory where the virtual environment was created. To use the virtual environment, start Logtalk from the directory where the virtual environment was created.
-d Directory where to create the virtual environment. Absolute path. Default is the current directory.
-c Create directory if it does not exist.
-p Packs sub-directory. Relative path. Default is the current directory.
0 Success.
1 Usage error.
3 Directory not found.
5 Directory not writable.
7 Dependency direnv not found.
Requires direnv to be installed (see https://github.com/direnv/direnv).
LOGTALKHOME Specifies the location of the Logtalk installation.
LOGTALKUSER Specifies the location of the Logtalk user directory.
The Logtalk website at https://logtalk.org/
The Logtalk User and Reference Manuals at $LOGTALKHOME/manuals/index.html
Paulo Moura <pmoura@logtalk.org>
Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Paulo Moura.
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