lgt2svg - Logtalk script for converting .d2 and .dot diagram files into SVG files
lgt2svg [-c command] [-- arguments]
lgt2svg [-l layout] [-- arguments]
lgt2svg -v
lgt2svg -h
lgt2svg is a Logtalk script for converting .d2 and .dot diagram files generated by the diagrams tool in the current directory into SVG files.
-c Graphviz command (valid values are dot, circo, fdp and neato; default is dot).
-l d2 layout (valid values are dagre, elk and tala; default is elk).
-- Arguments to be passed to the converter command (no default).
Requires recent versions of Graphviz and d2 installed with the command-line executables available from the system PATH.
LOGTALKHOME Specifies the location of the Logtalk installation.
LOGTALKUSER Specifies the location of the Logtalk user directory.
$LOGTALKUSER/tools/diagrams/diagrams.css CSS file styling the SVG diagram files.
The Logtalk website at https://logtalk.org/
The Logtalk diagrams tool documentation at https://logtalk.org/manuals/devtools/diagrams.html
Paulo Moura <pmoura@logtalk.org>
Copyright (c) 1998-2024 Paulo Moura.
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