To load an entity, always load the library that includes it using the goal logtalk_load(library_name(loader))
instead of loading just the entity. The library loader file ensures that all the required dependencies are also loaded and that any required flags are used. The loading goal can be found in the entity documentation.
- arbitrary
- assertions_messages
- best_first
- class_hierarchy
- code_metric
- code_metrics_messages
- code_metrics_utilities
- core_messages
- counters
- csv_guess_questions
- dead_code_scanner_messages
- debugger_messages
- diagram(Format)
- directory_diagram(Format)
- file_diagram(Format)
- flags
- flatting
- genint_core
- gensym_core
- help_info_support
- html
- lgtdoc_messages
- lgtunit_messages
- library_diagram(Format)
- listing
- logging
- monitor
- mutations
- observer
- options
- os_types
- packs_common
- packs_messages
- proto_hierarchy
- read_file
- recorded_database_core
- statistics
- subject
- ulid_types
- a_star_interpreter(W)
- after_event_registry
- assertions
- assertions(Mode)
- assignvars
- atom
- atomic
- automation_report
- avltree
- backend_adapter_hook
- backend_random
- base64
- base64url
- before_event_registry
- benchmark_generators
- bfs_interpreter
- bintree
- blank_grammars(Format)
- bup_interpreter
- callable
- cbor
- cbor(StringRepresentation)
- cc_metric
- character
- code_metrics
- compound
- coroutining
- counter
- coupling_metric
- coverage_report
- csv
- csv(Header,Separator,IgnoreQuotes)
- d2_graph_language
- date
- dead_code_scanner
- debug_expansion(Mode)
- debug_messages
- debugger
- default_atom_mutations
- default_compound_mutations
- default_float_mutations
- default_integer_mutations
- default_list_mutations
- default_workflow_hook
- demodb
- dfs_interpreter
- diagrams
- diagrams(Format)
- dif
- difflist
- directory_dependency_diagram
- directory_dependency_diagram(Format)
- directory_load_diagram
- directory_load_diagram(Format)
- dit_metric
- doc_metric
- doclet
- dot_graph_language
- dump_trace
- edcg
- either
- entity_diagram
- entity_diagram(Format)
- event_registry
- expand_library_alias_paths
- expected
- expected(Expected)
- fast_random
- fcube
- file_dependency_diagram
- file_dependency_diagram(Format)
- file_load_diagram
- file_load_diagram(Format)
- float
- format
- genint
- gensym
- git
- grammar_rules_hook
- graph_language_registry
- halstead_metric
- halstead_metric(Stroud)
- heap(Order)
- help
- heuristic_expansion(Mode)
- hook_pipeline(Pipeline)
- hook_set(Set)
- html5
- iddfs_interpreter(Increment)
- identity_hook
- ids
- ids(Representation,Bytes)
- inheritance_diagram
- inheritance_diagram(Format)
- integer
- interval
- ip_grammars(Format)
- iso8601
- issue_creator
- java
- java(Reference)
- java(Reference,ReturnValue)
- java_hook
- json
- json(StringRepresentation)
- json(ObjectRepresentation,PairRepresentation,StringRepresentation)
- lgtdoc
- lgtunit
- library_dependency_diagram
- library_dependency_diagram(Format)
- library_load_diagram
- library_load_diagram(Format)
- list
- list(Type)
- logger
- logtalk
- loop
- magic
- magic_expansion(Mode)
- maxheap
- maybe
- meta
- meta_compiler
- metagol
- minheap
- minimal_output
- modules_diagram_support
- mutations_store
- natural
- navltree
- nbintree
- noc_metric
- nor_metric
- nrbtree
- number
- number_grammars(Format)
- numberlist
- object_wrapper_hook
- object_wrapper_hook(Protocol)
- object_wrapper_hook(Name,Relations)
- optional
- optional(Optional)
- os
- packs
- packs_specs_hook
- pairs
- pddl
- population
- ports_profiler
- print_goal_hook
- prolog_module_hook(Module)
- queue
- random
- rbtree
- reader
- recorded_database
- redis
- registries
- registry_loader_hook
- rule_expansion(Mode)
- sample
- sequence_grammars
- set
- set(Type)
- shell
- shell(Interpreters)
- shell_expansion(Mode)
- size_metric
- streamvars
- suppress_goal_hook
- tap_output
- tap_report
- term
- term_io
- time
- timeout
- toychrdb
- tsv
- tsv(Header)
- tutor
- type
- ulid
- ulid(Representation)
- union_find
- upn_metric
- user
- uses_diagram
- uses_diagram(Format)
- uuid
- uuid(Representation)
- varlist
- wrapper
- write_to_file_hook(File)
- write_to_file_hook(File,Options)
- write_to_stream_hook(Stream)
- write_to_stream_hook(Stream,Options)
- xhtml11
- xml
- xref_diagram
- xref_diagram(Format)
- xunit_net_v2_output
- xunit_net_v2_report
- xunit_output
- xunit_report
- zlist
- assignvarsp
- characterp
- class_hierarchyp
- cloning
- comparingp
- csv_protocol
- databasep
- datep
- debuggerp
- dictionaryp
- event_registryp
- expanding
- flags_validator
- forwarding
- git_protocol
- graph_language_protocol
- heapp
- hierarchyp
- interpreterp
- intervalp
- java_access_protocol
- java_utils_protocol
- json_protocol
- lgtdocp
- listp
- loggingp
- loopp
- metagol_example_protocol
- metap
- monitoring
- monitorp
- nested_dictionary_protocol
- numberlistp
- options_protocol
- osp
- pack_protocol
- proto_hierarchyp
- pseudo_random_protocol
- queuep
- random_protocol
- registry_protocol
- setp
- statisticsp
- term_io_protocol
- termp
- timep
- tsv_protocol
- ulid_protocol
- union_find_protocol
- uuid_protocol
- varlistp
- zipperp