.. index:: xunit_net_v2_output .. _xunit_net_v2_output/0: .. rst-class:: right **object** ``xunit_net_v2_output`` ======================= Intercepts unit test execution messages and outputs a report using the xUnit.net v2 XML format to the current output stream. | **Availability:** | ``logtalk_load(lgtunit(loader))`` | **Author:** Paulo Moura | **Version:** 4:0:1 | **Date:** 2024-04-01 | **Compilation flags:** | ``static, context_switching_calls`` | **Provides:** | :ref:`logtalk::message_hook/4 ` | **Uses:** | :ref:`user ` | **Remarks:** - Usage: Simply load this object before running your tests using the goal ``logtalk_load(lgtunit(xunit_net_v2_output))``. | **Inherited public predicates:** | (none) .. contents:: :local: :backlinks: top Public predicates ----------------- (no local declarations; see entity ancestors if any) Protected predicates -------------------- (no local declarations; see entity ancestors if any) Private predicates ------------------ .. index:: message_cache_/1 .. _xunit_net_v2_output/0::message_cache_/1: ``message_cache_/1`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Table of messages emitted by the lgtunit tool when running tests. | **Compilation flags:** | ``dynamic`` | **Template:** | ``message_cache_(Message)`` | **Mode and number of proofs:** | ``message_cache_(?callable)`` - ``zero_or_more`` ------------ Operators --------- (none)